About Us
OM Foundation is a Noida-based registered, secular, gender-sensitive and humanitarian public charitable trust.
Founded in the year 2002 to provide education to the children of slums in Noida, OM today aims to make a
significant contribution to the economically and socially disadvantaged citizens of India.
Towards this, the Foundation has created, managed and supported programs aimed to bring about sustainable
changes, predominantly in the field of education and employment for the underprivileged.

Our mission
Get to know more about the
OM Foundation, our vision and
core values.
OM Foundation, our vision and
core values.

Get to know us
Learn more about the
OM Foundation team,
and the board.
OM Foundation team,
and the board.

We are an open book
We’ve consistently received the
highest grades available for
accountability and transparency.
highest grades available for
accountability and transparency.